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Web Survey Bibliography

Title Experimental analysis of survey response bias over the internet: Some results from the Retirement Perspectives Survey
Source National Institute on Aging
Year 2001
Access date 30.01.2006
Full text pdf (172k)
Abstract There is overwhelming empirical evidence that cognitive limitations and social interactions lead to biases in responses to survey questions. In addition, there is evidence that some of the
underlying processes are moderated by age. The purpose of the Berkeley Internet Virtual Laboratory (IVLab) is to study these phenomena using experimental surveys conducted over the internet. The internet is a cost-effective and flexible way to conduct experiments on survey response bias. There is also a good chance that field surveys will be conducted over the internet in the near future. However, selection problems are a major concern, in particular when the target population consists
primarily of older individuals. In this paper, we present a research strategy that allows to address selection problems and the analysis of survey response biases in a consistent framework. For illustration,
we report some preliminary results based on data from a pilot study for the Retirement Perspectives Survey (RPS), an experimental survey conducted over the internet with a target population of older Americans.
Access/Direct link HRS homepage
Year of publication2001
Bibliographic typeReports, seminars

Web survey bibliography - 2001 (57)

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